Example about RFID solution for sharing e-bike

The sharing e-bikes of “Youqu mobility” has been put in Taihe,China. The seat of them is bigger and more soft than before, provide the better experience for the riders. All parking sites have been set up already to provide convenient travel services for local citizens.



The new put in sharing e-bikes with vibrant green color has been parked neater, and the road has been more unobstructed at the same time.


The director of Youqu mobility in Taihe has introduced that: during the the process about put in the sharing e-bikes, we have configured the operation areas of sharing mobility and related parking sites. Besides, we have set the identification about park the e-bikes in the parking sites.

In order to prevent the sharing e-bikes been parked irorderly and cause the traffic jams, the director of Youqu mobility has configure the RFID solution for all sharing e-bikes in Taihe. The solution is provided by our company — TBIT, we have help them to test and apply it for sharing e-bikes.


The RFID reader is installed in the position about pedal of e-bike, it will communicate with the RFID card which is set in the road. Through the technology of Beidou, the distance can be identified smartly to make sure the sharing e-bike parked orderly and accurately. When the user is prepare to lock the e-bike to finish the order,they need to move the e-bike into the above of the induction line for parking and makes the body of e-bike should be perpendicular to the curb of the road. If the broadcast has notice that the e-bike can be returned, then the user can return the e-bike and finish the billing.


After the user click the button in the mini program of Wechat, they can scan the QR code to ride the e-bike. They can click the button to return the e-bike. If the user park the e-bike causally, the mini program will notice the user(with the guidance) that once park the e-bike orderly so that the e-bike can be returned.

On the base, our company not only helps cooperative customers to break the operation deadlock, improve the operation status, so that operators can better obtain the operation qualification, meet the requirements of policy and regulation, and better serve the local market for a longer time. At the same time, it also points out the direction and provides effective technical means for other cities to explore the problem of sharing e-bikes.

Post time: Nov-08-2022